5 Lessons I Learned from my Course Launch


I’m talking today about my recent course launch. Honestly, everything didn’t go as I had planned so I want to share what I learned.

The beautiful thing is that even when things don’t go exactly according to plan we are still learning so many lessons.

The 5 lessons I learned from this launch are:

1. Your energy truly is everything.

If you come from a place of scarcity it’s going to show. You have to have good energy to attract the good results that you want.

2. Be patient and trust the process.

I am typically an impatient person, but I learned to recognize that I’m growing my business for the long term and I can’t expect immediate results.

3. Realize that things don’t always go as planned.

We have an idea of how things are supposed to be, and it is really easy to want to hold on to that idea even though it may not be the reality. I’ve learned to surrender and believe that things are happening for me.

4. It’s okay to not have it all figured out.

I did things out of order and it was okay. I trusted other people to do things that were out of my area of expertise and it was okay. I’ve enjoyed watching things come together as I grow in this way.

5. How to prioritize and manage my time.

I learned to put what is important for the long run as my top priority. That meant saying no to some things and managing my time in new ways.

This process has been a wild ride but it has been so fun! In full transparency, I did not meet my goals with this launch but I know this is okay. I’m allowing myself to learn and grow in ways that I never thought I could.


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