Setting up Systems to Scale

I’m talking all about systems today with the owner of The Elevate Effect, Courtney Davis. I call Courtney “the systems queen” and I’m excited for her to join me on the show.

Courtney started as an Online Business Manager and soon realized that her love language was systems. So she niched down to specifically help people with their systems. Today she is an Online Business Master and shares her skills and secrets to help other business owners level TF up!

Courtney talks about starting with setting up the big three, your virtual office. Those three things are:

  • A project management tool

  • A communication hub

  • File Storage

She also discusses the four different types of automation:

  • Tech automation

  • Self automation

  • Templated automation

  • Workflow or Process automation

Courtney says the most important thing is that you use tools and platforms that work best for you. However, she does share that some of her favorite tools are:

If you experience pushback from clients who don’t want to use your systems, Courtney suggests reframing things for them and explaining how using your systems will benefit them and help you serve them in the best possible way.

Courtney reminds us that we always need to keep our long-term vision for our business in mind. When something comes up, ask yourself if it is taking you in the direction you want to go.

I love how Courtney takes something that can seem so complicated and techie as systems,  and balances it with mindset. I can’t wait for you to put her tips into practice in your business!


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