How Website Copy Influences Design with Becca Martin


Today I’m talking with my friend and my own copywriter, Becca Martin.

We talk about everything you need to do to have a high converting website and sales page.

I ask Becca which should come first when creating a website, the copy or the design. And we both agree that everything is so much easier when the copy comes first and you can design around that.

Becca shares the biggest copy mistakes she sees people making like trying to speak to everyone instead of speaking directly to their niche.

She also says people often make their copy too much about themselves instead of talking about actual transformation or the benefits to their client.

And Becca says don’t forget to include your personality in your copy so people feel like they know you.

I ask Becca how she digs deep to find out who her clients are to write copy for them when she doesn’t really know them. She says she sends a lengthy questionnaire that helps her learn more about her clients. She finds key phrases or grammar that they use and then follows up with a phone call to get to know their story better. She says she also pays attention to their social media and gets on their mailing list to find even more information. It is all about asking the right questions and fully understanding who they are before she starts writing.

Another great tip from Becca is to incorporate social proof into your copy. She says “in the moment” responses tend to be more emotional than traditional testimonials. So screenshots of these reactions from excited clients can be really impactful to show the feelings potential clients can expect.

I love Becca’s holistic approach to copywriting and I hope our conversation has helped you see how important copy is and how it influences design.


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