How to Mentally Unplug from Your At-Home Workday


Unplugging from work is hard when we work from home. We don’t have an office we leave at a certain time or other people to leave with. I’ve had to work on putting routines and boundaries in place to help me unplug from work.

Here is my advice for finding balance and unplugging after working from home:

  • Delete all the files downloaded on your computer and remove extras on your desktop to eliminate clutter

  • Clean up your workspace. Organize things, put away your pens and notebooks from the day.

  • Write out your to-do list for tomorrow

  • Close out all your tabs/ delete any spam emails 

  • Have some sort of “ritual” - for me, I blow out my candles, spray my aromatherapy spray in front of me and breathe it in, I take a few drops of my CBD (or wine) to relax my anxiety, and then I go have my alone time.

  • Give yourself 15 minutes (AT LEAST) of decompressing time. Go on a walk to reflect on the day or take a bath or shower. Go somewhere you can be unbothered and uninterrupted for this time.

  • Remove expectations for the next day. Be present today, try not to borrow worry.

  • Stay off of Instagram in the evening if you can; and definitely your email. I cannot say it enough: delete your email off your phone!

At the end of the day, you really need to find what works for you. The smallest things can be really important to helping you unplug because good ideas and creativity come from rest.

Everyone relaxes and recharges differently, so think about your ideal day and make sure you’re incorporating at least some of that into your day-to-day life so you can unplug from work.


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