Maximizing Productivity & Time Management with Kim Argetsinger

Our guest today is my own coach, Kim Argetsinger!  I’ve loved working with Kim and I’m so excited to bring her on the podcast so she can share her insights with you.

Kim Argetsinger is a mindset coach + business mentor with a mission to help you create your version of success and make more money doing what you love. She helps ambitious heart-centered, passion-driven entrepreneurs, creatives, and coaches build, grow, and scale businesses they're wildly in love with that also make them bank. 

We are in a challenging time due to the pandemic, and many people are facing changes in our schedules and emotions. Kim takes us back to the basics and shares that most things are really simple. We struggle because our brains have a need to overcomplicate things.

Kim suggests using time tracking to evaluate the time you do have and getting intentional about how to use that time. She also discusses ways to establish boundaries and minimize distractions.

When you consciously choose how to spend your time and decide what you want to do, you take back some control and stop the guilt spiral of feeling like you “should” be doing something else.


  • 80% of your results come from 20% of your output

  • Plan what you will work on to minimize decision fatigue and the brain’s want for distraction

  • We can only produce about 4 hours of productive work per day

  • Most things are simpler than we think, our brains have a need to overcomplicate them

I hope this episode re-energizes you and gives you hope that you can still accomplish your goals with focused intention!




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