Using the Enneagram to Support Self Care with Kristi Rowles

In this episode, I talk to Kristi Rowles about the value of the Enneagram as a tool to understand the ‘why’ behind your thoughts and actions. Kristi shares how her knowledge of the Enneagram has benefited her own business and how it helps her relate to others in her life.

After a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling and running an admissions and marketing office for a national residential treatment center, it was Kristi’s own journey of healing, discovering the fullness of who she is and finding freedom that she wanted to utilize to help other women rise too. So these days, Kristi helps badass women overcome the mindset garbage that robs them of the joyous life and the successful business they deserve. She and her co-founder, Steph Hall, created the Coaching Biz Activator with one purpose: equip passionate coaches and entrepreneurs to get out of their own way through mindset work + practical biz tips so that they can build the empowered, impactful, successful business they dream of!

Be sure to listen in to hear Kristi outline each type, discuss ways each type can practice self care, and she provides a mantra each type can start using today!


Type 1 - Moral Perfectionist:

“Rest and joy are mine whenever I choose them.”

Type 2 - Supportive Helper:

“My needs matter just as much as theirs.”

Type 3 - Successful Achiever:

“I am so much more than my image.”

Type 4 - Romantic Individualist:

“My feelings sway, but my spirit is grounded.”

Type 5 - Investigative Thinker:

“I am as ready as possible, and that is enough.”

Type 6 - Loyal Guardian:

“This feels overwhelming, but I am capable.”

Type 7 - Entertaining Optimists:

“This very moment is enough for me.”

Type 8 - Protective Challenger:

“I feel intensely, I communicate softly.”

Type 9 - Peaceful Mediator:

“My voice and presence matter.”


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