The Confident Creative: All About My Course


I am so excited to talk today about my new course, The Confident Creative!

My big goal with this course is to make sure that you’re building a business that allows you to book your dream clients on repeat without getting burnt out, and also learn how to tap into your zone of genius and creativity. I want you to come from a place of inspiration instead of pressure.

In the course I cover:

  • Short term marketing strategies that will allow you to get clients on demand

  • Long term marketing strategies to set yourself up for success in the long haul

  • How to grow your business with proven strategies

  • Gaining confidence to start promoting your work

  • Identifying your dream clients and why you might not even need a niche yet

  • How to find clients who will pay you

  • That there are no rules and the most important thing is to make sure it feels good

After this course, I want you to feel like a booked out business owner who enjoys the work they are doing.

I want people to know that you can change your life just by making the decision to do so. This course marries actionable tips and mindset for unbelievable results.

Regarding mindset, the course covers getting reinspired, the mantras I use every day, and how to reframe your thoughts.

As far as actionable tasks, you’ll get checklists and resources and homework to implement everything you learn right away.

Here is an overview of the modules, based on the Creative MINDS Method:

  1. Welcome, the Creative MINDS Method

  2. Make your creative offers

  3. Immediately book clients

  4. Nail the client experience

  5. Declare your boundaries

  6. Set and practice creative rituals

This course has been in the works for a while and I’m so excited to get it out to the world!

You can sign up for The Confident Creative right here, right now! I can’t wait to see all of you amazing creatives who join me inside!


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Answering Questions from Designers


How to get Reinspired in Your Design Business