Do You Really Need a Niche?

You’ve probably heard the advice that you need to find a niche. So many people advise defining your niche as step 1 in your business.

But I’ve never really “niched.” There are some other things that I’ve done that have allowed the right people to flow and connect to me and my business.

I work with all kinds of different businesses and I’ve found that what is more important to me is the type of person, not the type of industry.

A niche can be so limiting at the beginning of your business journey. How do you really know who you like working with before you’ve tried working with those people? 

So I like to advise working with different people and different industries and see what feels good.

Here some steps you can take to find people you love to work with:

  1. Show up as your authentic self

  2. Do work that lights you up

  3. Don’t apply too much pressure, let things unfold organically and naturally

  4. Write down your favorite projects and people you've worked with and find out what they have in common

  5. Ask for testimonials, see who is writing the raving reviews to know who you are serving the best

  6. Stop trying to fit a mold, it is ok to change and grow

I like to think of business as one big experiment. There are no rules, do things that excite you!

I’m not telling you to be everything to everyone. I’m just telling you to be yourself and to say “yes” to the things that feel good and see how your business can shift after that.



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