Overcoming Money Mindset Issues

Let’s talk about money. Specifically...overcoming money mindset issues. With all of the uncertainty in the world right now, money problems are coming up for a lot of people.

I have a rocky past with money. I had lots of debt with very little money coming in and always felt that I never had enough money.

When I started my business, I had so much anxiety around spending because I hadn’t worked on my money mindset yet.

Here are a few ways I got past my issues. I want to share these with you so you can make these work for you and live a life of abundance!


  • Reframe your thoughts, example:

  • “I can’t afford to invest in my business” → “I know that investments pay themselves off, and I am willing to take a risk for greater success.”


  • Write out 100 money stories to see what issues surface for you


  • Say the following mantras out loud:

    • There’s more where that came from 

    • Money comes to me easily

    • Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways

    • I am a money magnet

    • I am capable and ready to make large amounts of money

    • I manage my money well

    • People love to pay me

    • I have all of the money I need

    • I am worthy of richness and everything I desire

    • I can have it all

    • I deserve to be paid for my skills, time, knowledge and expertise


  • The practice of tapping will access your body’s energy and restore it to a balanced state.

I hope these exercises help free you of any fear or anxiety around money!



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