How to Practice Self-Care for Your Wellness and Your Business

80: How to Practice Self-Care for Your Wellness and Your Business

When you hear the term “self-care,” images of bubble baths, mud masks, and bubbly might come floating to mind. This is the image that social media has assigned to self-care, but sometimes the most important forms of self-care aren’t so glamorous and pretty. So today, I want to break down what self-care truly is and how I practice self-care to ensure that my wellness and business are protected.

In this episode, I share...

  • The importance of taking care of your mind, body, and being.

  • Why you need to schedule time for you

  • Figuring out how to unplug from your at-home workday

I discuss why scheduling your doctor appointments needs to become a priority for the longevity of your health and business.

Additionally, I emphasize the importance of scheduling time for yourself and what that could look like as a creative.

I also share why finding ways to unplug from your at-home workday is so important to your mental well-being especially when it comes to avoiding burnout.

This episode is a short but important one that showcases the many ways you can practice self-care on a daily basis. So tune in for a quick reminder on why self-care matters and the many ways you can incorporate it into your routine.


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