My First Experience with Showit: An Honest Review


I’m excited to give you an honest review after completing my first Showit site!

I am always talking about Squarespace and I still love Squarespace, but recently I keep hearing about Showit so I decided to give it a try. 

Everything here is just my opinion and I’m still not picking favorites because I still like different platforms for different reasons.

So, let’s get into it. I love the creative freedom with Showit! It is literally a blank canvas so you can do whatever you want.

However, if you do not go into it with some sort of a plan you will spin your wheels because you have to create everything from scratch.

It is completely drag and drop, which is nice because you don’t have to use code.

And they do have an incredible community and support team.

They also have beautiful templates you can use.

A few cons that I do want to mention are that it takes at least twice as long to create a website in Showit.

And you have to create a full separate mobile site from scratch.

If you need a website with more backend functionality - like you’re selling digital downloads or products, you have to download Shopify Lite and plug that in, which can get expensive.

My biggest tip, whether you’re working with a designer, you are a designer, or you’re DIYing it, remember to keep the user experience in mind. It is easy to get carried away with the creative freedom and do too much. The average day-to-day person just wants easy to find information on your site.

Overall I have to say, I love Showit! I had so much fun working in Showit because I had full creative freedom. 

But at the end of the day every platform has its pros and cons. If you need more help deciding what platform is best for you, send me at DM on Instagram and I’ll help you out!


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Follow Karima on Instagram @karima.creative


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