How to Delegate and Stop the Grind with Tatiana O'Hara

Today I’m talking with Tatiana O’Hara, the queen of delegating and building a team.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting her in real life and I’m excited to chat with her again today about ways to stop the grind and really grow our businesses! 

Tatiana is a corporate leader turned Agency & Team Operations Coach that helps CEO's lead efficient, and effective teams. She has helped dozens of CEO's create teams, offers that can scale, and reduce the amount of hours they work in a given week.

I asked Tatiana how to know WHAT to delegate and WHEN you should delegate. She says you should write down everything you do within a given day. Then group the tasks based on whether it is a skill set of yours and whether it is something you actually like doing. Once you have everything sorted, it becomes easy to see what you should outsource and what role (or roles!) you should hire for.

She says the focus should always be, “How can I make more money in my business so that I can hire more people that I will need over my company’s development?”

I also ask Tatiana how people can let go of the need for control when they outsource. She recommends spending the time up front to properly on-board and train people so that everyone is clear about the procedures and expectations.

Tatiana also advises people to pay the premium for your first generalist hire. Think about the tasks that you’ll be asking this person to do and how they affect your bottom line. Make sure you’re making an appropriate hire for your needs.

When it comes to hiring, Tatiana suggests listing your job description with desired outcomes as well as specific tasks. Then post that job description wherever your ideal team member is hanging out.

Once you get applications, Tatiana says the best thing to do is put all of the responses into a spreadsheet so you can easily see everything at once.

She also uses a little trick that I love to ensure people have thoroughly read the job description. She suggests putting a line in the job description that instructs people to do something like add their favorite color with their name on the application. Then you can quickly eliminate people who didn’t read the entire job description and don’t follow instructions well.

From there you can continue to narrow down the applicants and then she suggests interviewing only the top 5 people.

This conversation was so, so good! I hope you’re motivated to assess things in your business and take some action for your next hire. If you follow Tatiana’s advice I know you won’t regret it!


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